This is a space for the women that walk amongst us unseen and unacknowledged; the inspired artists, the soulful poets, the shamans and yogis, the curious students, the creative designers, the journalists seeking truth, the wistful lovers, and the bright spark economists, bankers, lawyers and scientists, everyone that views the world through a different lens, seeing beauty all around them.
I help awakening women find and realign clothes to their soul from preloved treasures, to exquisite practices for your heart 💓 & your home.
“I believe in a world where women know their true worth and love themselves through their clothes. My mission is to help 10,000 women turn waste into wealth. By sharing my experience and knowledge, I can help you re-invent, reinvigorate and re-make your clothes and connect you with like-minded spirits to revel in all that is … SACRED SEWING™”
Join a tribe of teachers, changemakers and soul partners that care about connection through clothes…